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Register coaches students in English essay structure
Your Online Writing Coach

As someone who has twice been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize, I have made it my mission to make English academic writing easier.

What few people tell you is that English academic paragraphs and essays have very specific forms that can be easy to master. The most important part is the basic five-or-six sentence plan or "map" (the maps). Adding the details, examples and citations expands this basic map into an essay.

With EssayMaps, I start with the basic map and add the other elements one sentence at a time. Once you master this concept, writing an essay will become easy, and maybe even fun.

The idea of using the Hamburger Paragraph comes from recognizing that to keep people engaged you have to build up to the best idea. The Hamburger Paragragh is also taught at the best preparatory schools whose students are considered essay masters.

If you have any questions, look at the FAQ or Frequently Asked Questions.

So let's get started and turn you into an Essay Master.